Sunday, April 22, 2012

Some Traits of a Wise Person

Paro Taktshang: The Tiger's Nest

v  Makes good decision in consultation with wise people
v  Always senses responsibilities
v  Carries out responsibilities without anyone telling him/her
v  Does not require remaining and direction
v  Has good leadership qualities
v  Is not easily swayed by force of emotions
v  Is not disturbed by life’s trivial misfortunes
v  Always looks at the long-term benefit of his/her actions
v  Is not tempted by small pleasures in life

Some of Traits of a Bull Person

v  Can’t make decision by himself/herself
v  Always follows the crowd and friends mechanically
v  Can’t distinguish between a good advice and a bad advice
v  Has to be always directed, supervised and reminded
v  Responds more to sticks and threats
v  Always invites his/her own problems in life
v  Always end up being a follower
v  Lacks leadership qualities
v  Prefers short-term pleasures to long-term ones
v  Is easily overcome by emotions
v  Is easily shattered by life’s trivial misfortunes

Children with respect

v  Listen
v  Keep unkind thoughts to themselves
v  Speak kindly to teachers and others
v  Play fairly and wait their return
v  Raise their hands before talking
v  Say “please” and “thank you”
v  Clean up after themselves
v  Share

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