Sunday, April 22, 2012

Importance of reading

 The Reading is an essential aspects or main ingredients in an improving individual's skills. Through reading books, newspapers, articles etc...May also lead to improvement in one's skills in reading properly, get knowledge regarding something that you read, improve the vocabulary etc... To be a learned person we must have to develop or coup up with reading, so that reading makes men perfect.

Reading never costs anything as said by Lady H. W. Mantague, "No entertainment is so cheap as reading, or any pleasure so lasting." Those who enjoy pleasure of reading need no other pleasure. Reading books will lead you to travel around the world within short period of time by sitting in the corner of the room. The reading can always solve the personal problems and gets more meaningful advices when we are in problems. We need a good foundation for building up a strong house; similarly we need a good habit of reading for building up our knowledge.

"Reading is basic tool of living of the good life". So, by reading books one can explore others' knowledge and one can elaborate in some other ways. The reading maker men perfect. Though one can read any of the books, but it’s not good for development of one's knowledge as some other books like trash novel, letters and third-rates magazines contains not formatted language structures. So, therefore, these may create some unorganized English structures.

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