Sunday, April 22, 2012

DEMOCRACY: the New form of Government in Bhutan

Political Map of  Bhutan
Bhutan is a sanctuary of harmonious evolution in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas. Bhutan is tiny and small peaceful nation in the Asian region and is located between giants; Indian plains in the south and great Tibetan Plateau which was colonized by China in the North. The name Bhutan was known as "Bootan" in the in the past, but we call our country as "Druk Yul". Bhutan was not known to even to Asian countries before decades ago, since Bhutan did not involved with the industrial age, the world wars, nor the Arms Race, and until recently not even cyberspace. Bhutan is a landlocked country and It is about 38,398 square kilometer.

Bhutan being one of the small and tiny was nation enjoying the tremendous peace and tranquility for many centuries. The small country like Bhutan has got unique culture and traditions of its own which is very much unique from other countries of the world. The way people live, the food habits, the dresses, the language, etiquette and so on are different from others. The religion of the state is Buddhism in which we the people of Bhutan have go faith with Buddhism and in return we get blessings.

After had gone through decades of regional feuds, the Wangchuck dynasty consolidated the National Governance with crowning Gongsar Ugyen Wangchubk as the First hereditary King of Bhutan on December 17, 1907 and he also known as "The Founding Monarch". He was then succeeded by his son Second Dragon King Jigme Wangchuck who was known as "The Consolidator". Thereafter, Third Drogon King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck who was designated with the title "Father of Modern Bhutan" succeeds the throne followed by Fourth Dragon King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the "The Visionary King" and who was also referred to as "The Father of Constitution of Bhutan".

Till the reign of First to Fourth King, the relationship between the sovereign, who bestowed benevolence, and the people, who submitted their devotion to the monarch, became the real strength of political evolution of Monarchic Bhutan. The economic growth of Bhutan was steered by the succession of hereditary monarchs. Gongar Ugyen Wangchuck consolidated National governance and maintained good relations with the British in India. The second Druk Gyelpo King Jigme Wangchuck further strengthened modern Bhutan's relation with independent India. He also strengthened the rule of law, introduced a traditional education system, and developed a district administration system to the fullest. The Third Druk Gyelpo King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck who initiated the process of planned modernization in developing Bhutan in which he gained great changes. In 1961, Bhutan shed centuries of self-imposed isolation and launched itself into the developmental process such as, road network, basic health and medical cares, reallocation of land to the landless people, upgrading schools, etc. He also sent and gave modern education to the first generation of Bhutanese within and outside Bhutan. The three arms of the government, such as executive, legislature and judiciary were set up for the convenience of rule as the small country.

During the benevolent reign of Beloved Fourth Druk Gyelpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the modernization and statecraft took on new meaning. After many years the Kingdom of Bhutan stepped into a new millennium as a testimony of political and economic success. The major developmental process had taken place with the stipulated period to the fullest.

Bhutan had been Democratic Constitutional Monarchy which in Dzongkha term called 'Mangtsoi Tsathrim Chengi Gyelpoi Zhung' in year 2008 by nationwide elections on 24th May. Then there after we the people experienced the different forms of

The King's unique developmental philosophy of Gross Nation Happiness has forced the world to reflect deeply on the essence of purpose of human development. The inner values of the Bhutanese identity that enabled Bhutan to flourish over the centuries remained the basis of change. This was the essence of the legacy that King Jigme Singye Wangchuck handed over the great unique developmental philosophy, the GNH, well developing country and its citizens, the sovereign nation as before, introduced democracy and so on, to the fifth King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. He was the father of constitution and successfully introduced in the country with vision of not struggle in for the political powers. He also versioned the future of the country and the people, the unending peace and harmony to last forever.

It was exactly 100 years of Monarchy System in the country since 1907, the Kings handed over the power of governance to the people. The forms of government from Monarchy changed to Democracy. In monarchy system the centralization of the power was existed and then Fourth King decentralized the powers to the people by adopting new forms of government, the democracy.

In the artistic and historic transition, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Nangyel Wangchuck inherited the responsibility to institute the country's first democratically elected government. Fifth Dragon King was crowned in the same year of nationwide election in May 24, 2008. He was known as "The People's King" after the coronation on November 1. Today, we the people of the country are proud of our visionary Monarchs who have initiated change not for the sake of change but with the mandate that change has to be for the better. We pledged the great Monarchs for bringing great changes in political arena or phenomena.

New Era: The Democracy

The democracy form of Government in Kingdom of Bhutan was established with the draft constitution of Bhutan. The Constitution of Bhutan was drafted by the committee starting from 2001 with the issue of Royal Edict. The committee submitted the draft constitution to the parliament in 2005. Then the draft was first issued to the people of 20 districts and former King and Present King presided over the discussion of draft constitution throughout the country. The people of the country submitted their opinion and suggestions about the constitution.

Then in year 2007, the two political parties were formed; namely, "People's Democratic Party" the first and foremost Party headed former Minister Lyonpo Sangay Nidup, and "Druk Phuensum Tshokpa" the second Party Headed over by present Prime Minister Lyonchen Jigme Y. Thinley. But the people of Bhutan didn't know what is really mean by Party and Democracy too. The democracy is the most powerful forms of Government today. It is a form of Government, a form of state, a form of society and an ethical idea of life- It is a form of Government where the sovereign power is vested in the hands of the people. The person chose their representatives and ensures that the Government runs according to their well being. Now in the country like Bhutan, we are experiencing the democratically elected government since 2008.

In the nationwide election, two parties participated actively where the "Druk Phuensum Tshokpa" flooded the "People's Democratic Party" by securing 45 seats in Parliament of 47 seats in total. The two seats were taken by PDP. DPT formed the ruling government and PDP formed opposition with two representatives in the Parliament. Bhutan is "Smallest Kingdom in the World", "Youngest Democratic Country in the World" and "World's Smallest Opposition in Parliament" but one of the "Strongest Opposition Party" so far. Our Smallest Opposition in the Parliament plays vital role in the Democratic System of Government with great mission. To ensure the democracy to function well in the Bhutanese society, the Nation Council election has took place in 2007 in 16 dzongkhags and remaining four districts in dawn of 2008. There are 25 members one each from 20 dzongkhags and five eminent member elected directly by King.

Democratically elected government in Bhutan has so far fulfilled the wishes of the people and their manifestoes too. We the people of Kingdom Bhutan were happy with the new forms of Government and the rule of government and the function of "World's Smallest Opposition" so far. The constitutional Autonomous bodies and NGOs are vital in the young democracy like Bhutan.

The nationwide elections of local government leaders like Thrompoens, Thromde Chimis, Gups, Mangmis and Tshokpas also depicts that the Democracy is growing in the Bhutanese Society. Local government election led the local peoples to know about the democracy and its importance of it.

Now the meaning, the functions, the features and importance and significance of democracy is growing in rural areas that the people in rural areas gained ideas what to do and what not to do by first elections. The people were aware of functions of democracy in Bhutanese society.

Besides these, our country experienced the Royal Wedding. The Royal Wedding was one of the significant for the Bhutanese citizens and moreover towards the continuity of the Hereditary Monarch. Unexpectedly, His Majesty announced the Royal Wedding in the 7th session of Parliament to the Bhutanese people on aired channel. The news flooded the nationwide newspapers and other Medias. Not only to Bhutan but also the news went internationally within short period of time. Then the Royal Wedding took place on October 13, at Pungthang Dewai Chenpoi Phodrang, on 15th at Changlingmathang statum and 19th at Ugyen Pelri Palace, Paro. Our Beloved King wed commoner Azhi Jetsun Pema.

Not only changes from monarchy to democracy and Royal Wedding but also the significant changes or infrastructural development process in and around the country. Bhutan entered in the modern world by entering into the membership in Organizations, committee and so on. Infrastructure development such as road networks, education system, health and medical care, telecommunication systems, etc. were enhanced.

Importance of reading

 The Reading is an essential aspects or main ingredients in an improving individual's skills. Through reading books, newspapers, articles etc...May also lead to improvement in one's skills in reading properly, get knowledge regarding something that you read, improve the vocabulary etc... To be a learned person we must have to develop or coup up with reading, so that reading makes men perfect.

Reading never costs anything as said by Lady H. W. Mantague, "No entertainment is so cheap as reading, or any pleasure so lasting." Those who enjoy pleasure of reading need no other pleasure. Reading books will lead you to travel around the world within short period of time by sitting in the corner of the room. The reading can always solve the personal problems and gets more meaningful advices when we are in problems. We need a good foundation for building up a strong house; similarly we need a good habit of reading for building up our knowledge.

"Reading is basic tool of living of the good life". So, by reading books one can explore others' knowledge and one can elaborate in some other ways. The reading maker men perfect. Though one can read any of the books, but it’s not good for development of one's knowledge as some other books like trash novel, letters and third-rates magazines contains not formatted language structures. So, therefore, these may create some unorganized English structures.

Kelki HSS: My Previous Endowing institution

 Kelki Higher Secondary School bear a resemblance of "Lha-Yul" in the heart of Capital City and one of the oldest private schools in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Kelki, the name and fame was widespread in Bhutan because school was premier and oldest private school, has came up with tremendous consequence every year, has got inspiring and encouraging faculty members, and so on. I am impressed as myself being a part Kelkian Family for two years actively. The school's faculty members from within Bhutan and outside has got same notion to pull students life to the fullest. Committed an d dedicated staff members made and shaped, make and shape and will be making and shaping life of students by furnishing with enormous bludgeon of 'eternal knowledge' and their immense philosophy of taming and humanizing students. The teachers and students of Kelki have got inimitable methodical and commonsensical thoughts in them as they bring together their tender together and work for enhancement of knowledge of the students as a whole. Kelki was established as an only nursery school in the country in 1987 with great 'Vision' and 'Mission'.

I studied in Kelki HSS for two consecutive years since 2007 and 2008, where I erudite many things from my well experienced and veteran teachers and others too. I, myself acquire admitted in Bhutan's renowned premier private institution in the Bhutanese society. After getting disclosed in the school, I punctually and affectionately joined the school on 26th February, 2007 with my schoolmate friends. Why I joined the Private School? That's my true and only questions to be asked by myself? This all ensued because, I could not do well in my class X examinations of 2006 and I didn't get admission in any of the government schools due to near to the ground marks that I obtained in class X. I was below middling students since when I was in lower classes, perhaps I didn't be acquainted with how to study but rather we used to play and wander, hang around and come together with friends. Prior to my studies, I didn't care about what was superior and what was inferior for our life. I went and joined the school because my friends were going to school with well dressed up. I liked to be dressed in school uniform and clutch chunky books which my elder brother used to do so. I didn't have such endeavors and aspirations like other friends. One of my friends has got goals and aims to be fulfilled as he is presently studying Architecture. I was lacking goals and dreams, so I grounded here in the present stage.

When I accomplished and got admission in Kelki with subject humanities has given me pinch in my heart. What types of pinch I got? The pinch I got was amazing that class XI with humanity in the first class with my class teacher, who taught me Economics and it was my discouraging situation as I lacked with knowledge about the subjects. I geared up internally to be alert and content in the class where I could not. I then followed my friends and seek out helps from them that I didn't learn anything in classes PP till X. That was the main tribulations with me during my course time. Why I didn't learn anything? I don't have any answers to my question but only two words "Not clear". My teachers taught me glowingly during my stay in Primary, Lower and Middle secondary school time. When I was asked the questions from my class teachers, but I answered the question that she set frontward to me. The second question that she solicited me was “What is your ambition?” How much I thought of answering her but I botched to answer at that time. Then again she asked a couple of questions to my friends repeating the preceding questions. Someone from left corner of the classroom proudly responded the question when madam asked him. Madam said, “Please try to have one or two ambitions in your life and me to study hard.” She then set off the class; the bell for the first interlude rang. To every teacher, I failed to answer properly in terms of ambitions.

I, myself being a typical student in the class I was cheered up by them always. So, they vacationed jointly, heaved me up and placed me up within short span of time. I really thank my dearly loved teachers for helping me to be at present juncture of life arrogantly was made ay my dearly loved teachers who worked altruistically. I with the help from my teachers started making class notes and other imperative notes on a regular basis, so, that it helped me to perk up myself very much. Before I used to face inscription problems, such as an essay, letter, etc. as I was lacked with familiarity and methodology.
My teachers in High school accomplished me as a real human being ever, where I could administer to progress myself. I thank my beloved etched in my mind, the self-sacrificing teachers from my internal core of heart. Whenever, I read and write, I could remember my teachers who taught me since many years ago. Thank you my beloved teachers.

Some Traits of a Wise Person

Paro Taktshang: The Tiger's Nest

v  Makes good decision in consultation with wise people
v  Always senses responsibilities
v  Carries out responsibilities without anyone telling him/her
v  Does not require remaining and direction
v  Has good leadership qualities
v  Is not easily swayed by force of emotions
v  Is not disturbed by life’s trivial misfortunes
v  Always looks at the long-term benefit of his/her actions
v  Is not tempted by small pleasures in life

Some of Traits of a Bull Person

v  Can’t make decision by himself/herself
v  Always follows the crowd and friends mechanically
v  Can’t distinguish between a good advice and a bad advice
v  Has to be always directed, supervised and reminded
v  Responds more to sticks and threats
v  Always invites his/her own problems in life
v  Always end up being a follower
v  Lacks leadership qualities
v  Prefers short-term pleasures to long-term ones
v  Is easily overcome by emotions
v  Is easily shattered by life’s trivial misfortunes

Children with respect

v  Listen
v  Keep unkind thoughts to themselves
v  Speak kindly to teachers and others
v  Play fairly and wait their return
v  Raise their hands before talking
v  Say “please” and “thank you”
v  Clean up after themselves
v  Share